The Pirates of Penzance
The Art House Theatre, Wyong
Presented by Hayes Theatre Co
(Swash) buckle up for an epic voyage
Hayes Artistic Directors Richard Carroll and Victoria Falconer harness the irreverent, genre-busting spirit of a sprawling, satirical, musical masterwork, and bring it to raucous new life for a 21st-century audience. This brand-new, boisterously joyful adaptation is brought to life by just four bold performers.
Between them, this intrepid quartet bring to life:
Their Pirate King, devoted to a life of swashbuckling and skullduggery - as long as the hours aren't too demanding. Ruth, the nursemaid who hasn't been entirely truthful, but who reveals a natural talent and appetite for piracy. Mabel, a young woman thirsty for new experiences (and just plain thirsty). Frederic, our young hero thrown into an existential battle between his old and new worlds by a series of irritating administrative errors. A Major-General devoted to respectability but tormented by the shame he has brought onto his ancestors-by-purchase. Plus; the motley pirate crew, a troupe of singing police recruits, Mabel's eclectic group of sisters; and the faithful piratical accomplice/pianist, Fish Cake.
Book onstage seating to really be a part of the action!.
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