Civic Theatre, Newcastle
Presented by LPD Productions
Jonathan Larson's Broadway smash in 2024
Featuring iconic songs like Seasons of Love, Take Me or Leave Me, and La Vie Bohème, the musical is best described as a heartfelt celebration of life, love, and the indomitable human spirit.
Rent first captivated audiences Off-Broadway in 1996 but quickly evolved into a global sensation. The musical garnered Jonathan Larson numerous Tony Awards and even a Pulitzer Prize for Drama—a recognition not bestowed upon a musical theatre work until over a decade later.
Despite Larson's untimely passing on the day the show opened to the public, the enduring legacy of Rent serves as a testament to the emotional impact of his creation and embodies the timeless message of “no day but today.”
“I can't wait to bring RENT back to the Australian stage in this brand-new never-before-seen production This show hasn't toured here since 1998,” producer Lauren Peters said.
“I feel very lucky to be a part of Jonathan Larson's phenomenon, and I know our audiences will feel exactly the same way.”.
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