Maitland Repertory Theatre

We've been bringing great plays to Maitland for over 70 years and for more than 50 years we've been performing in our 160 year old High Street theatre.

Located in the heart of Heritage Maitland's Cultural Precinct, Maitland Repertory Theatre was a Congregational Church before being purchased in 1964 from the church and being converted to its current use as a theatre by Maitland Repertory in 1965. The theatre is located opposite Maitland Town Hall and the Maitland Regional Art Gallery on the corner of James St and High St.

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Maitland Repertory Theatre

Maitland Repertory Theatre

We are an unfunded community theatre group, with the aim of staging plays for the entertainment of audiences and the pleasure and satisfaction of members. As well as learning and using acting skills, many members develop and use their talents in behind-the-scenes and backstage work.
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